Last time I showed you the contents of my imaginary modest travel wishlist with places in Europe I still haven't been to, but want to. But of course, my wishes and desires do not know boundaries nor what a continent is. If I had the resources, I would gladly travel the world! Who wouldn't, right? But priorities have to be made. So, if a genie just popped up here in my room and asked me where I wanted to go tonight, these would be my answers in a random order.
I miss words here. There's just so, so much about Japan! Such history and culture and technology and fashion. It seems like a whole different world to me, but so inspiring and beautiful. That's why I would absolutely love not only to visit, but to spend some time there, immersing myself in the culture.
Hong Kong
Let me admit one thing - I've never been to Disneyworld, and I want to so badly! I wanted to visit Hong Kong when I traveled to China, but it was out of my budget. Now it's not just about Disney, of course. I'm intrigued by a Chinese city with so much British influence, and I wonder what the mix looks like.
This island has never interested me particularly until I met a girl from Colombo in my master's program, a girl I am now lucky to call friend. After having seen photos of her home country on Facebook, I was bought immediately! The views are beyond beautiful, and I kid you not, they have elephants you can ride there. You travel to visit a friend and casually get onto an elephant.
I'm into big cities. Everybody knows that. But as in the case of Hong Kong, I'm even more in the culturally varied cities. Singapore is a mix of Western, Chinese, Malay and Indian cultures, and I'm sure it makes the city enormously interesting!
New Zealand & Australia
I placed these two together because I hope when I'm visiting one, I'll visit the other too - they're too far away from where I live and plan to live for separate trips! For some reason NZ is closer to my heart. It feels as if it's not really a part of this world. I mean, it's so far away just when you look at a map, plus have you seen any landscape photos of New Zealand? Seriously, they're the most beautiful. Everybody says, though, that Australia is more interesting. Well, I'm more than happy to see and compare.
There's been a serious hype going on these past few years about this city. I seriously believe it's the capital of the world. So big, vibrant and lively and with so much going on that it might eat you up. But I'm not scared of it - it excites me! I'm the best version of myself when in such an environment, with that positive rush. Sure, if you want a break, head to Central Park. I hope I will sometime later this year and honestly, it's been my most exciting travel goal so far!
West Coast
I guess it all started with watching Baywatch as a kid. California might be just the right place for me to live in - there are job opportunities and there is eternal summer. Ok, not really, but only needing a light jacket for Christmas? Yes please!
Being in Europe, this is almost a 'local' item on this wishlist. In 2013 I visited Saint Petersburg and fell in love with it. It used to be the capital of Russia in the past, and now they call it a 'culture capital'. Now I want to see Moscow. People say SPB is much more beautiful, but I'm just dreaming of seeing the Red Square and its wonderful Saint Basil's Cathedral.
South Africa
Again a home country of another classmate of mine. Listening to the stories of what is there basically in her backyard made me wanting to visit sooo badly. OK, not in the backyard, but real close to her home. Lions, baboons, rhinos. That's just way too cool.
Shanghai is a place I already visited - that has taken my heart and soul forever, and that's why it's on the list. I was so overwhelmed by it and my three-four days there that I wanted to get myself a tattoo of 上海 - that's Chinese for Shanghai. I mean, I didn't, but just the thought of it should tell you how hard I fell for the city. And I will be back. Once.
What are your distant favorites you'd love to go if a pile of money came from the sky at this very moment? I'd love to hear!
Love, Tihana
Love, Tihana
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