Lately I've been dreaming actively of going somewhere south, where it's summer, where it's warm, where you don't need a coat and an oversized blanket-like scarf. It's so cold here! Plus, my word of the week: tired. Or even exhausted. There comes the time when I wonder why on Earth I got into grad school. But of course, there are great things about it, like... um... for example... well, we better proceed to this week's links.
Weekend Reads #12
Friday, January 23, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Last time I showed you the contents of my imaginary modest travel wishlist with places in Europe I still haven't been to, but want to. But of course, my wishes and desires do not know boundaries nor what a continent is. If I had the resources, I would gladly travel the world! Who wouldn't, right? But priorities have to be made. So, if a genie just popped up here in my room and asked me where I wanted to go tonight, these would be my answers in a random order.
Monday, January 19, 2015
You might remember my post about Rome - if you haven't seen it, make sure you read my ode to the most beautiful city ever! I mentioned having gone to Trastevere on the first day to have me some foodies. That's also what I did the following days, because a) it's a beautiful quarter, b) the food is no less than amazing. I didn't quite catch the best time of the day for taking photos, but I hope you'll enjoy. On your next trip to Rome, don't miss this part, please don't, you can miss Colosseum and Forum and everything but under no circumstances should you miss Trastevere! Just trust me and see for yourself. You'll be happy you listened to my advice. :)
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Sunday, January 18, 2015
I bought my first yearly planner in 2002. Which means that I've been using those for almost half of my life. I'm pretty lost if I don't write my tasks, errands and even classes down. And oh, the feeling of crossing something off the list! I would always begin my search for a perfect planner in December. It has to have dates in it, it has to fit in a purse, and it has to be beautiful. Apparently, I didn't find the thing for 2011 in December that fulfilled all the requirements, because the one I used that year was bought in March in London. I stumbled upon a pile of perfect little planners; of course, I was thinking that I already had one (less-than-perfect, but still) and didn't need a new one, but it was just too cute! And it had little actions for you to do every week, to make yours or someone else's day better - and it also concerned the environment! So when I was in Serbia and trying to get rid of some crap I've piled up in my room, I stumbled upon this beauty and decided to share the actions with you.
The planner was made by WeAreWhatWeDo, and judging from the website, they don't produce planners anymore. Too bad! I know I would have loved to have another one that's similar.
Friday, January 16, 2015

Hi guys! A slow and sick week is behind me, I hope yours was better. Basically, as soon as I started living alone again, I got sick, and the timing couldn't be worst, as I have loads of assignments for uni. Boo-hoo. Well, at least I started reading this - it does feel as if I'm stealing from myself the time I don't have, but hey. What have you been doing?
Monday, January 12, 2015
OK, we get it. I love traveling. Who doesn't? But the thing with me is that it's usually what I'm saving my coins for. On January the first I sat down to have a chat with myself and decide where I should travel in the foreseeable future. Conclusions we drew together? Well, Murrica. I hope so. But I know myself and I know here and there I'll be sneaking onto Skyscanner just to see if there are any cheap, like, really cheap tickets that could get me away for a weekend. I might have seen a lot recently, but there are still many places I haven't been to, but wish I did, so here's where my daydreaming takes me.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
I was first thinking of sharing with you my favorite movies I watched last year, because I really tried watching as many as possible, and I enjoyed my new hobby (can that be called a hobby?) very much. But then, since I didn't post my #WeekendReads last week, I thought I might actually go further and share my fav online places, as well as books I read. Not many of those, unfortunately. (Anyone else having a hard time finding time for reading??) Sooo, here we go. I hope you like my recommendations. If you have any, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, as well as your comments on things from my list you liked or disliked!
Friday, January 9, 2015

Hello from Holland, again. I arrived yesterday and I cannot believe my vacation is over. Those were really some good weeks back home. Would it be totally nuts to start checking airline tickets for the next time??
I hope you have had lovely holidays and now are ready to face all the challenges at work/school/uni. (I am not!!) Have you asked yourself what you want to achieve this year? I have, and I wrote about that thoroughly in this post. Apparently, everybody in the online world was all about the good advice on how to make your 2015 a blast, so I'll be sharing some of their words today + the usual stuff I found interesting in the previous days.
Monday, January 5, 2015
I've been making New Year's Resolutions since the age of twelve. Twelve (12). I was growing up piling up teenage magazines - no internet and blogs back then, we had to pay for reading fashion, organization and inspiration. I wonder what it's like to be growing up now, I bet kids nowadays have no idea about those monthly glossy magazines that taught us how to kiss. (Was anyone else freaking out over the first kiss? Good.)
Sunday, January 4, 2015
I know recaps are usually done in the last days of a year, but I have an excuse for not having done so. I was lazy. Yep, that's my excuse now, do you mind? Given that you don't, sit back now, grab a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate/whatever your cup of tea is (pun intended), and follow along the memory lane.
2014 was amazing.
I don't know if it's me, or the reality, but for the last ten-ish years I've been saying that each year is better than the one before. Which is great, if you ask me! Even those years without any travels (2007, 2008, for example) were amazing because of the new experiences, fun and loving new people, great old people. But speaking of travels, 2014 has been an absolute champion there and I just hope it wouldn't stay one!
Friday, January 2, 2015
I took a break from the blog during the festive days, so I apologize for not being here to wish you a happy New Year immediately on the 1st, or not making a year recap on the 31st... I feel full of energy now so I think I'll still squeeze such posts in, but today I'm just here to say one thing.
Ok, more than one thing. You know I love to talk. Write. Whatevs.
I wish you one thing. Well, besides from being healthy, because that truly is the most important thing (I hope you never find that out yourself).
That thing is: be happy. Be satisfied. But I'm not blabbering here. Do what you want (as long as it isn't hurting anyone, of course). Change the things you don't like in your life. You may think a lot of stuff are just circumstances, but there's a lot more that depend on you, and on you only. Change your job if you're not happy with the current one. Change your significant other. End relationships with friends that don't feel like friends any more. Read. Read a lot. Spend your time wisely. Save pennies. Quit smoking. Decide who you want to be this year, and work towards it. Every day. Work hard. Work a little. Just work.
And be happy. Have a good life.
I wish you a very, very happy New Year! Thank you for being here at Wandering Polka Dot. Let's have a good life!
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