Weekend Reads #80

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Hi everyone! I just gathered last atoms of strength to publish this—I just want and need to lie down, I am super tired, had a tiring session at the gym and then ate my weight in chicken and I am half-dead now. So kudos to myself for being responsible-ish enough to publish this before Saturday evening, when I'll probably wake up now that I pass out. :) Also: it's Eurosong finale tonight! Are you watching? Serbia didn't qualify, but nevertheless I expect good fun. And I am cheering for Moldova, though people around me say they are ridiculous. Well, I like them. Are you a Eurovision fan as well or have no idea what this glitter event the whole Europe loves is about? 

Anyway, here are some links I found on the WWW this week. Enjoy!

Weekend Reads #79

Friday, May 5, 2017

Hello there! How are you, what are you up to this weekend? I'll be going away for a small trip in the mountains that I'm really looking forward to, so feel free to follow me on Instagram to stay updated, and soon enough I'll post about it and might give you an idea for where to spend a vacation 😉 But for now, here are my weekly favorites. (Also, anyone else watching leaked Season 5 of Orange Is The New Black?! 🙈I  love that show. It's just so, so good.)

Musings: Berlin (heart emoji)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

I was decluttering my laptop the other day, which is something I'll probably keep doing as long as I live, and  I found a short piece I wrote in 20 minutes last year just a couple of days after having left Berlin. This was actually a part of the test for a certain job: they wanted to check my written English and I was supposed to write anything at all ASAP. So I let my heart speak.

I didn't get the job eventually; if I recall correctly, I was told the piece is good but then they never bothered to contact me again. I read it now, after more than a year, and decided to publish it. Here's a different love story.

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