Now, it would seem I have a complicated relationship with this blog. I don't. I love it, maybe not as much as seven-ish (seven??????) years ago, but it's very dear to me and I cannot imagine forgetting to pay for the domain name and letting it all go. On the other hand, it's been years since I was devoted to this little piece of the interwebs. Rumor has it no one actually reads blogs anyway. Um, I kind of do? Well, people have expressed their preference for a video format, and that's something I doubt you will ever see me doing. And how would Weekend Reads even work as a video? Exactly :) so here I am, having fun just occasionally, hoping it's good enough. Chasing perfection is so last decade. And I hope you can have fun as well. That being said, enjoy this week's Weekend Reads. I hope you're well, I hope lockdowns, isolations, and the like haven't messed up with your head and your life too much, and I just hope you're at piece. At times, that might be the hardest thing you can work on, but one of the most important ones.