May 28th. Had I been persistent, like I thought I would be, today would be the 100th and the last day of my #100happydays challenge.
I told you all about the challenge here on the blog, when I announced I'd be trying to fulfill 100 days of happiness. I was aware, because I read that on their website, that many people quit at some point, because they claim not to have time. Not to have time to be happy?! Ridiculous! That's why I was sure it's a piece of cake. I mean, I do believe that happiness is small things. I am truly happy when I have my coffee, whether it be the one I make at home and enjoy while browsing internet, or the one from Starbucks when I stroll the streets of my town - or any other. I am happy when I talk to my friends. In fact, even sun and warm weather can make me happy! So all I needed to do is document it.