One of the Loves of My Life: Amsterdam (& Some Exciting News)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Last year I was lucky enough to visit seven European capitals and another major city (Zurich). Two of them managed to capture my soul and heart forever. One I have praised on the blog many times (hint: Rome), and the other one isn't any less beautiful. Have you ever seen something so beautiful your heart ached? That's how I felt while roaming the streets of Amsterdam. The town is as if it came straight from a fairy tale. The buildings make me feel as if they're made of chocolate. The canals, the bridges, the bicycles... I have no words, I'm bought for life. I kept imagining how wonderful it would be to wake up in the city, hop on the bike and pay a visit to the market where I could buy a bouquet of fresh tulips. Apparently I don't need much to be happy.

Have you ever been to Amsterdam? Do you share my impressions? Have a great Sunday, and once again happy Easter if you're celebrating!

P.S. I almost forgot to tell you this and as it made me tremendously happy, I just feel the need to share it (and remind you to chase your own dreams too!). One of my New Year's resolutions was to write more. So sometime in February I contacted a few online publications and asked if I could be their contributor in whatever form they'd want. Turned out, two US-based online magazines liked stories on my blog and my ideas for the prospective stories; a month and a half later, I'm kind of a published writer. (What I love about English language is that everyone who writes something can be called a writer, and I don't mind it at all!) So, the magazines are Feather Mag and Quirky Daily. They're both aimed at twenty-something women and you can check them out here and here. I am a writer for Life section at Feather, and Travel and Life sections at Quirky Daily. I love everything about it, from sending in the pitches, receiving feedback, writing actual stories and editing. Oh, and the people I work with are just great!! I really feel lucky. :)
So far I got published once on Feather and once on Quirky Daily, but this is just the beginning. And it feels so good! :)


  1. Weeeeeee! Čestitam ti od srca! Volim te čitati, a i time vježbam svoj engleskom. Nije čudno da te netko prepoznao, samo je bilo pitanje vremena. ;)
    Joooooj, Amsterdam je divan. Ne putujem puno, no jedna od velikih želja. Baš sam uživala u slikama, i već se vidjela kako vozim bic i uživam u suncu. Reci mi da nisu tmuran grad, što se tice vremena. :D

  2. Hvala ti puno! Baš mi znače ovakve reči :)
    Amsterdam je stvarno prelep, i baš sam rekla svom drugu koji živi tamo "mora da je predivno u proleće", na šta je on rekao "ovde je divno kad god ne pada kiša". A to i nije toliko retko. Doduše, vreme je u severnoj Holandiji (tamo gde sam ja živela) jako promenljivo, u toku jednog dana izmene se jako oblačan dan, jako vedar dan, sunce, kiša... mala je zemlja, tako je verovatno i dole.
    Inače, klikni gore na Traveling i nađi Travel tips, tamo imam i jedan tekst na našem jeziku, a tiče se putovanja za male pare. Možda nađeš nešto korisno ;) Pozdrav!

  3. Share if you care. ;) Znam, zato sam i morala komentirati sada, iako to često ne radim. a i da iskoristim priliku da ti čestitam. :)

    Milina, znači svatko dođe na svoje u jednom danu? :D
    Hvala ti, baciti ću pogled. ;) Čitamo se, pozdrav. <3


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