Hello! How is everyone doing? What are you up to this weekend? We're having a cloudy and rainy one—who would have thought it's spring. I just recently told a friend from back home how much the weather changes every day, and he was like "oh... I thought it was the land of eternal spring". Well, it depends on the spring you're used to, and this is not mine! On the bright side though, I landed a weekend job after a search that took ages, and I'm hoping to get a week job soon as well! A girl needs her dollars, right. Anyway, here are the links I liked this week. Oh, and make sure to check out my piece on free things to do in Berlin, a guest post I did for the lovely Melissa from A Broken Backpack.
Wow—I didn't think I would find such article online these days! What it's like to be a teenage lesbian in Russia?
Why your habits don't work (and what you need instead).
Oh, this is so cute: the dictionary of Ikea product names.
A lovely article that will resonate will all the people who are told they should stop trying to find love. "I probably won’t stop looking for love until I find it — and that’s totally fine."
Cool photos. I find them calming too.
If you want to make a Halloween dessert—here's one that takes as little time as possible. And it looks so cute!
Haha, such a good Halloween costume!
These two will melt your heart.
A photographer has photoshopped himself into old family photos of him as a kid.
A hack for men who don’t want to be accused of sexual harassment. So, so good!
Have a great weekend!
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