Weekend Reads #33

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hi people! Wow. End of September - it basically means the year is over. This time last year I was in Italy, and this is a good time to remember my time in the best freaking country in the world. I'd give anything to have a slice of the true Neapolitan pizza, y'hear! But here I am in Germany. That's not bad either :) Any plans for winter getaways? You might want to read my blog post on traveling on the budget as the tickets might be quite cheap at the moment! Also, here's yesterday's post with some of my thoughts as a birthday girl. 

Anyway, here are the links for the weekend - I know it's basically over but, um, for a nice beginning of the week then?

How fashion bloggers edit their Instagram. Am I the only one who thinks they're F-ing trying too hard?? 

This is so true! I guess we cannot do anything else but accept it. Or wake up really, really early. (But chances are other people will also get that idea.)

Living in NYC - expectations and reality. I think this can pretty much apply to any major city.

Amazing facts about elephants. OK I want a pet elephant.

A kiss, deferred. So beautiful.

Traveling to Paris anytime soon? Bookmark this: best locations for photos. (But do be aware of the piece on real images above! :))

"I don't really like Nirvana that much," says Frances Bean Cobain in an interview about her late father.

Disneyland? No, Dismaland is the next big thing! OK maybe not, but still.

I know there's very little of the weekend left, especially if you're somewhere east, but I still hope you had a lovely one.


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