Oh, would you look at that—I showed up here again. Well. With it being too hot to breathe and eat (and I thought that wasn't possible), can you blame me? I hope you're navigating the summer in the best way imaginable. However, in less than a month, I'll be in the south hemisphere for the first time ever, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining much. Anyway, here are some links for you. Enjoy!
The psychological importance of wasting time. Someone had to say it out loud!
A short animated documentary on clitoris. Lovely, really! :)
Sex in advertising: Why Berlin wants to ban billboards with 'weak, hysterical, dumb' women. (Your answer: because it's the best city in the world, obviously.)
This is fun: a man uses a 3-D model of his face to get a national ID. And gets away with it!
Might be important to read for some of you: an ode to being 29. (I'm turning 29 in September—WHAT?!)
How to be miserable. While this is nothing more than an inverted guide on how to be happy, it's still powerful. I don't know why, but I sure as hell recognized some of my actions here and want to change them, because I know they do make me miserable.
How to be socially responsible and also acquire great pieces for your home. Read and see why this is close to my heart.
What girls are made of—a brilliant ad I hadn't seen before.
Have a nice weekend! Tihana
Great links - TFS!