
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Weekend Reads #55

Hello hello, how is everyone? How are you surviving the heat, provided you're experiencing something similar to what we have here in Belgrade? I think people who live in Belgrade and claim they love summer are just plain dumb—that is, unless they spend all of it somewhere else. The city is pure concrete and it's incredibly hot. A week or two ago I had problems breathing for the first time in my life. My AC is working most of the time (hello, electricity bill!) and my blinds are shut. I wake up covered in sweat and the first thing I do when I enter the flat is taking off all of the clothes. Even shower doesn't help. I cannot remember when exactly we became a tropical island... oh, but we didn't, because at least there you can jump into the sea. Well, enough with the despair: as always, here are some links for your entertainment.

Do you watch Game of Thrones? I am in love with the show, and I fell in love with the scene featuring Daenerys and Yara. Make them THE next romantic couple please! Apparently, Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys, wouldn't mind!

ALSO: two links added on Sunday, waiting for the grand finale. How the Battle of the Bastards was filmed + an interesting view on why Jon Snow is an idiot (gasp!).

Weird girls—a beautiful piece on a little girl that doesn't 'fit', told by her mother.

How come I didn't know about this before?! The Atlas of Beauty—showing the diversity of the world by capturing images of women. Amazing!

I also must have lived under a rock when it comes to this, but it's hilarious—a dating app in Iceland that lets you know if the other person is a relative. (Because surnames are different than in the rest of the western world, for example, a father and a son have different surnames. See the explanation in the article.)

I love TED talks, but this parody stole my heart too!

The Avocado Theory. (Hint: it's not about avocados, but men and dating. On point.)

My editor Alyssa wrote a post the other day that resonated with me so much. I've had this post open on my computer since I first read it and I've been wanting to write her an email so badly, but not sure what the email should say. Alyssa, if you're reading this, know you'll get it, and also know that there's someone who understands you from A to Z. 

Any ideas on beating the heat, my friends? I'm all ears!

Love, Tihana

photo: Unsplash

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