
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Weekend Reads #53

I know. I'm guilty. I let myself be one of those people whose domains expire. But on the other hand, why is it taking DAYS for money to land on my PayPal account? Anyway, we're back. If you had happened to visit in the past few days, you could have been greeted by a page telling you the domain for Wandering Polka Dot had expired. Argh! I now know I will make a dozen reminders for the next year...
Anyway, here are some links I stumbled upon recently I thought you might enjoy.

I keep track of all the links I mentioned here so I don't repeat something. However sometimes I decide on keeping the link somewhere else because I might need it, so in the case of this one I'm not really sure whether I already shared it or not. Still, it's a good one: how to thrive at life when you move back home. (By the way, being back is a lot more stressful than I'd thought it would be, but I might devote an entire post to the topic. Or more.)

My friend is getting married tomorrow!!! It's the first wedding I will be attending since age 3, and I'm super excited! So here's a list of wedding do's and don't's.

They had an idea for a book with goodnight stories for rebel girls and took to Kickstarter. It was a success! How wouldn't it be ;) 

A certain milestone in advertising. Sanitary towel ad that isn't afraid of real blood. Brilliant one, might I add.

I loved this ad for boyfriend including an honest profile of the company CEO, i.e. the girl who is looking for a match.

A story on how young refuge boys from Serbia become great rugby players in Scotland, though they had never even seen rugby before.

Have a great weekend, friends!


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