
Friday, July 25, 2014

A Very Nice Person's Doodles

This is the weird time of a vacation when you want to continue blogging, but haven't really been working on anything vacation-related (or home-related in my case) that you could post, and on the other hand it would be weird to post Berlin stuff from afar. (Berlin is sleeping all tucked in in my Drafts folder and you'll see it soon enough!) So today I'm sharing something I find too cute and I hope you like it too!

I met Daša (pronounced Dasha) eight years ago, but it wasn't until last year that we really became friends. You know how sometimes you wonder if some people had been hiding under a rock, because they're that amazing and you had no idea?! In this case it was more wondering why on Earth I hadn't spent time with her earlier. She's one of the nicest people ever. She's smart, creative and lovely. Her e-mail address could be translated to English as "squirrel.oakie". She's that kind of people who make you feel better about yourself, and life in general, just by sitting next to you.

Daša is an architect in love with her profession, and this fall she's starting a master's program somewhere in the Netherlands. (I'm still waiting for her e-mail with the answer to the question WHERE exactly, because I'll also be moving to Holland in October, but I guess I'll hear that in person next week).

Daša is an artist, and trust me, this is not an overestimate. She draws, she tells stories, and even her text messages are one of a kind. You know how little things make life beautiful? Well, she's the one making little things. And as I told her once before, everyone needs a Daša in their life.

You can follow her on Tumblr - she last posted two months ago, but I hope she posts more soon.

Enjoy the day and have a nice weekend!


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