
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to Go to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa

I wrote about my first three months in New Zealand. As you might remember, it wasn’t that fun. The rest of the milestones—six months, nine months, a full year—I didn’t mark, mostly because I was miserable. In fact, I was pretty darn miserable the whole time I was there. I’ve only recently started to process those feelings and unfold them, layer by layer. But! I’m not here to talk about that today. In fact, I wanted to describe the process for anyone who feels like starting a similar adventure on their own.

I went to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa. Simply said, a WH visa enables you to stay in the country for up to a year (or more if you’re from the UK or Canada) and work legally. You don’t have to work, but the rationale is that not many people have the funds to just travel around the country for a year, so here’s a way for you youngsters to meet our beloved Aotearoa and earn some cash while you’re at it.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Quarantine Reads #2


Unlike last time, when my update was long and thorough, I don't have much to update anyone on. I mean, we've all been staying at home, right? It's not like you care what I do at work, haha. I might update you on all the screen time I've had that didn't involve reading, but that deserves another post sometime when "this" is over. By the way, "this" seems to be over in Serbia in two days. I'm quite wary of the fact and honestly won't be returning to life as before. Heck, we're not even returning to the office any time soon. I'm afraid that the sudden opening of restaurants and cafes might result in a surge of numbers two weeks from now, but let's wait and see. In the meantime, here are some quarantine links for you to take a look at. Stay safe!