
Friday, November 29, 2019

Weekend Reads #109

Here goes! I was supposed to start this edition with "hello from the wonderful Berlin", but I just—pardon this excuse—didn't feel like it. The post was ready, but the night before my backpack got stolen. It wouldn't have been such an issue if it hadn't contained my wallet together with all my money (I know, I know, I usually don't carry all my cash around, but this time it happened), my ID, my health insurance card, all bank cards... then a hand cream that cost half as much in Berlin as it does here at home (that still pisses me off), gloves, liquid lipstick my sister gave me for my birthday, mini mascara, my favorite Prada sunglasses that I saved up for, and let's not forget my PASSPORT with my American visa that was valid for seven more years, that I never used so far, that I was looking forward to using next spring, and that I have to apply for again... paying money, again, and being at risk of being denied, or being given a visa of two months or six months or whatever. Now you may see why I wasn't so keen on being merry happy and announcing weekend.

It is what it is, though, and even though I was hoping that whoever got my bag was happy enough with the cash and sunnies and would leave the bag somewhere for someone to find it, it hasn't happened. I am slowly starting all the processes of obtaining my new documents. It is such a pain in the ass, and heartache, because I had developed a detailed savings plan for my spring break in the States and literally every euro mattered and now I'm dealing with a huge setback both financially (stolen money + money for the new passport & the visa) and logistically (what if I'm denied the visa??). Wish me luck!

Anyway, as I've pretty much recovered, mentally at least, here are some Weekend Reads for you... 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Weekend Reads #108

Hello lovely people! Great to see another Friday! This one not only marks the beginning of the weekend but my vacation as well—I'm flying to Berlin on Sunday and will stay for a week. Only if you're here for the first time or have never seen my musings anywhere online can you not know how much I love the city and how much at home I feel there. Sure, the weather will be shit, but I'm so happy nevertheless. Wish me occasional rays of sunshine! Anyway, here's what you came here for :) 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Weekend Reads #107

Hi! I'm obviously in that place again where I cannot manage to publish weekend reads on Fridays. Oh, well. Maybe you too have something better to do on Friday than reading on the computer? Or a phone... I had to mention phones for the sake of being inclusive of all devices visiting this blog, though I find phones to be such a hassle in this regard. Almost everything that I do online is done on my laptop, and it rarely even includes a desk :) Hope you have a lovely weekend wherever you are! (And whatever device you use to read this!) Here are the links to some interesting reads.