
Friday, October 27, 2017

Weekend Reads #90

Hello! How is everyone doing? What are you up to this weekend? We're having a cloudy and rainy one—who would have thought it's spring. I just recently told a friend from back home how much the weather changes every day, and he was like "oh... I thought it was the land of eternal spring". Well, it depends on the spring you're used to, and this is not mine! On the bright side though, I landed a weekend job after a search that took ages, and I'm hoping to get a week job soon as well! A girl needs her dollars, right. Anyway, here are the links I liked this week. Oh, and make sure to check out my piece on free things to do in Berlin, a guest post I did for the lovely Melissa from A Broken Backpack.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Weekend Reads #89

I have never experienced weather moodier than the one we have in New Zealand. Which is the reason I have no idea how to dress properly here; and by properly I only mean in a way that feels good and is not too cold nor too hot. Impossible! Also, have you ever got a sunburn through your clothes? Why, you didn't think it could happen? It can, and I had the misfortune to witness it firsthand. How do people even live here? By the way, it is SO WEIRD that we're in the second half of October and all I keep hearing is "summer is coming". 

Okay, maybe this was too much weather talk? :) What are you up to this weekend? We're having a long one, as it's Labor day on Monday. I'd love it if it were warmer so I could finally walk to the beach. I literally see the ocean when I get outside of the house, but being born and raised in a plain, I'm hesitant to walk that much uphill. (I know sea is downhill, duhh. But this is New Zealand, subjective feeling: everything is uphill.) Anyway, here are some links for you to explore.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Berlin Guide For Newbies

I always hated how some bloggers sound pretentious starting their blog posts with “everybody asked me to write about (some random topic), so finally here it is”. That’s why I was super hesitant to start in the same manner; but I can list at least several people who did ask me to post a detailed Berlin guide they could pass on to their friends traveling to the city. So okay, it wasn’t “everybody”, but it still made me feel so humble at times. And so—here it is. (Self-cringe!)

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Weekend Reads #88

Hello lovely people. How's everything? I hope you have a good weekend. By the way, I'm toying with the idea of not doing the Weekend Reads anymore. It's not anything final, just an idea. They might transform or something. Any guidelines from you? Anyway, here are the links for this weekend.