
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The True Cost of Our Behavior

*I know this is too long a blog post, but please please please read it as it’s SO IMPORTANT. The introduction is long, but I think it makes sense as it gives you the context you might be in right now. Or, if you absolutely don’t want to read this, it’s OK too, but then please just watch the movie The True Cost. That’s your take-home message for today. Write it down, make a mental note, just watch it.*

About a year ago, I was an avid shopper. I feel slightly embarrassed writing this, because shopping as a hobby is usually perceived as something superficial people do. Now, I wouldn’t exactly call it a hobby but let’s say I left shops with bags full of clothes and accessories at least once a month. I would also window shop out of boredom, curiosity, desire, or sometimes combination of the above. Most of the time I would know exactly what was on display in H&M, Zara, Vero Moda and the like. It went so far that I could instantly say where a random girl on the street had bought each of her items. Whenever I would spot something I liked, I would buy it without blinking an eye, because hey, of course I can afford a sweater that costs €15 or a top that’s less than €10.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Nine Months Later: Where I Am with My NY Resolutions

Beginning of October was the time to check in and see how I was doing with my New Year’s resolutions. I totally forgot, though. And then when I became aware of that, well, I kinda put it off because there was not much I can brag about. These past three months were the worst this year. Although I did manage to travel to London – that was the good part. :) But speaking of resolutions, I did bad. I was in a very bad place overall, and I’m not ready to share that yet, but one day I might, just to tell everyone who’s feeling similar – it’s OK.

So, here’s how it went. Check in is a check in, even when there’s nothing special to be said...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Weekend Reads #36

Hi guys, apologies for the late weekend post! One of my best friends came to town and I spent a day with her as I haven't seen her... since April, actually. We shared a flat back in Belgrade and I have great memories from back then. As always, I had a great time with her because I love love love her very much and I actually miss seeing her every day! Having my coffee made by her every morning before she sets off to work was another perk too. Other than that, my week was a mess. I interviewed a Berlin based fashion blogger for Plezir magazin, had a blast with her, she was so incredibly sweet, and then on the same day my phone died. Like, just froze and didn't react to anything. It had never happened to me before - my older phones would normally become a bit slow and wouldn't work as smooth as before, but I always had enough time to transfer all the photos, text messages (yes I'm a sucker who saves all the messages dear to my heart), contacts... Now it wasn't the case. It's all forever lost. I had more than 20 notes in my phones and I know they were important because I would delete one as soon as it became irrelevant. I can now remember only half of them. What if I actually miss something important because I had it written down in my old phone? Guess we cannot rely on technology all that much, after all.

Anyway, here are the links for your Sunday afternoon. Or Monday morning. Suit yourself ;)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Flirting with Minimalism

If I find an interesting challenge online, chances are I will try it out. We love challenges, don't we'?Though it tells nothing about how far I will come. Plank challenge, half way through. Abs challenge, not even that far. 30-day yoga challenge, well, eventually I finished it! Only because it took a lot more than 30 days, though. But all this shouldn't mean I (and you!) shouldn't even try because I know (OK - I suppose! Some positivity here...) I won't be as successful as I should be. So I found another one, ages ago! I loved it and bookmarked it right away. But I wasn't ready to take it until now.

If you'd like your surroundings and daily life to be with more purpose, and if the thought of being more present appeals to you, you might want to join me. Read on! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Weekend Reads #35

Hi peeps, another weekend is juuust around the corner! What do you plan to do? If the weather permits some outdoor activities, I'd suggest those... and yes, sitting outside drinking coffee or even beer should be considered an outdoor activity. Sun will not be such a common guest in our daily lives soon, so let's make the most of its company. It's crazy how cold it's been in Germany these past few days - and my winter gear is back in Serbia. Oh, imagine the life where all your belongings are in one place. I might have mentioned this before, but my cozy winter slippers are in Slovenia. Slovenia! I've never been to Slovenia.

Well, enough with the rant - I can't change the weather, but I can have a positive thought in the morning that miiiight help me get through the day, as one of the links below suggests. Not that I actually do this, but you know, it might
be worth a shot ;) Here are some links for you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Next Stop - Baku!

You remember when you were a teenager and were desperately waiting for a text message from that special someone, but it never came? Your phone was in your sight all the time. You even took it to the bathroom, but nope, no message. And let me just remind you that back then we didn't have social media and there was no way of telling if they saw our last message, let alone when they were last online! So you eventually gave up and lost hope.

Only to once forget about your phone for like half an hour, and when you then grabbed it afterwards, there it was: the desired text. Crazy, huh?! Well, something like that just happened to me. Didn't include someone I dream of, though. :)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Weekend Reads #34

I don't know if it's just me, but Fridays sneak up way too fast every week. So do Mondays. This late twenties thing is real. I remember how bored I was as a kid during the summer break (back then I preferred school). It just seemed it would never end! My mom told me time would pass by quicker when I'm older. I looked at her suspiciously. It doesn't make sense, I thought. But boy, was she right! It's funny: days seemed long when we had nothing to do with them. I wish I could go back and manage what seemed like a 36-hour day. And get all the naps I so long for. I hated napping when I was little. :) 

Anyway, here are the links for this weekend. Hope you have a good one!