
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Weekend Reads #27

Hello you! If you're here, it means that you're probably an internet junkie, because what on Earth brought you here otherwise? Sorry, just joking, I LOVE having you here and I'm really grateful you bumped into this online space of mine! :) What I wanted to say is, you've probably seen yesterday's BIG news, but I have to repeat it once again because it's just beyond awesome. Supreme Court of the US ruled that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. Love Wins, and way to go, America!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Weekend Reads #26

Hey you people, has the summer begun where you are? We're sweating here. We're dying, the temperature exceeds 30 degrees (Celsius -- that's 86 in Murrica) every day, which is... I don't know, it's not normal in the beginning of June, right? I'm going back to Germany in several days and I hope it'd be easier to breathe there. Although I must admit I wouldn't appreciate the cooold summer like last year. I almost feel British right now: but yes I can talk about the weather all the time! Probably because I'm hard to please in this regard. Does the weather affect your mood as well??

Friday, June 5, 2015

Weekend Reads #25

I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but one week feels like much less than 7 days. Does that mean I'll be 30 in no time? I don't even want to think about it. To let my mind slip into some more pleasant musings, I'll just indulge in Weekend Reads. Have a nice one!